Saturday, November 9, 2019

Boat Design Ratios

Another important design parameter is the sail area-displacement ratio (sa/d), another nondimensional calculation that expresses the relationship between a boat’s sail area and its displacement. traditionally, it is calculated by dividing the nominal sail area in square feet by the boat’s displacement in cubic feet to the two-thirds power.. Is it practical to have a deck to keel height of 7.5 feet on a boat with a 10' beam and 34' length? what about a 14.5 foot keel to cabin top height on.... For a boat that must entertain guests at the dock but will rarely be used in rough weather or at high speeds, this may be a significant advantage. the slimmer boat, though, will generally have the advantage when fuel is expensive or when the weather picks up..

Beam (nautical) - Wikipedia

Beam (nautical) - wikipedia

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Compare these ratios for pearsons. here are some hewlett packard hp-41 calculator programs i wrote for some of the design ratios and some other boat related values. these will run on any of the hp-41 series and on the hp-42. with a little modification they will run on any of the hp rpn machines.. Learning how and why adequate varies by design is the next step. i.e. learning how a speed boat is different from a ‘regular’ boat, and all of the ways a speed boat can kill its occupants. this should involve designing many prototypes, first digitally, then once your design is nearing completion, physical prototypes.. My final boat design was an ocean-going rowboat for rowing solo, non-stop, across the pacific ocean. you can read about the history and development of my boat and mast designs on this, my new website..

boat design ratios